Scientific and Organising Committee

Scientific Committee 

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Professor Justyna Paprocka MD PhD Faculty Coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme (Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice)
Department of Pediatric Neurology, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

Professor Justyna Paprocka is the head of the Pediatric Neurology Department of Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. She holds three medical specialisations: paediatrics, paediatric neurology, metabolic paediatrics, she is certified in EEG and epileptology. She serves as vice-chair of the Polish Society of Child Neurologists (PSCN), chair of the Silesian Branch of PSCN, chair of the Neurometabolic Section of PSCN. Since 2022 she has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) and a national consultant in paediatric neurology since 2024. For many years, she has been an examiner at the national examinations in paediatric neurology in Poland, and she is also co-author of the new specialisation programme in this field.

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University Professor Damian Kawecki MD PhD Institutional Coordinator of Erasmus+ Programme, II Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Zabrze, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

Damian Kawecki is a university professor in the Second Department and Clinical Ward of Cardiology in Zabrze of the Medical University of Silesia, which he has been associated with since 1988 once he begun his medical studies. 

In 2001, he specialized in internal diseases, and in 2004, he became a cardiology specialist. Since 2009, he has led the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit, focusing on acute coronary syndromes and heart failure. He has performed 15,000 invasive procedures and about 3,000 electrophysiology procedures. His skills include diagnostic right heart catheterization, myocardial biopsies, and coronary artery assessments.

He has also trained doctors in Poland and abroad and performed live procedures at workshops and conferences. In 2000, he earned his PhD with a thesis on troponin T measurement in coronary angioplasty patients, and in 2017, he earned his habilitation. He has published 95 articles with a total impact factor of 327.404.

Since 2020, he has been the University Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Program, and since 2021, the Coordinator of the Mostum Program. A football enthusiast, he captained Medyk Zabrze to a Club World Champion title in six-a-side football in 2015 and became Chairman of the Medical Team of the Polish Football Association in 2022.

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Julia Szlążek, Students' Scientific Society, Department of Pediatric Neurology, Faculty of Medical Sciences in Katowice, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

A 3rd-year medical student at the Medical University of Silesia, a United World College Alum. As a member of the IMEC 2024 Organising Committee, she is responsible for managing lectures, contacting various organisations and conducting the conference on the day of the event. Current President of the Student Scientific Society of Pneumonology. Since 2022, member of the IFMSA-Poland Local Committee Śląsk, where she is the Local Exchange Officer for Incoming Students, organising internships for international exchange students.  

Organising Committee

  • prof. Justyna Paprocka
  • univ-prof. Damian Kawecki
  • Julia Szlążek

Hi, my name is Julia and I'm a 3rd-year medical student at the Medical University of Silesia. As a member of the IMEC 2024 Organising Committee, I am responsible for managing the lectures, as well as contacting Lecturers. During my studies, I have been mostly interested in pneumonology, neurology and radiology - in both clinical and research terms. For the current academic year, I am the President of the Student Scientific Society of Pneumonology at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. In addition to research, I am also the Local Exchange Coordinator at our IFMSA local committee, in which I organise medical internships for international exchange students. In my free time, I tutor students in the Netherlands, translate medical videos and read a lot! 

  • Julia Karpierz

Hi! I'm Julia, and I’m a fourth-year student at Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. At IMEC, I am responsible for sponsors and patrons. My interests lay mainly with Neurology, Pediatric Neurology and Space Medicine. In the future, I hope to be able to combine my interest in astronomy and astrophysics with my work as a doctor, and contribute to the development of space industry. Outside of my research, I love to read books, paint and play tennis. I also have a very cute, 2-year old Havanese Dog called Chili 

  • Monika Roszkowska

Cześć! I’m Monika, the one behind graphic designs for this year’s edition of IMEC. I’m currently a 4th year student at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. In the future I would like to work with children, as a pediatric neurologist. If I have free time, I spend it with my dog - Maya on various activities! I divide my life between three cities: Katowice-Warsaw-Bialystok, where I study, spend most of the time and where I come from! 

  • Magdalena Nowak

Hi, my name is Magda and I'm currently an intern after completing my medical studies. At IMEC 2024 I’m responsible for helping with sponsorships and patrons. 

  • Emilia Malik

Hi, my name is Emilia and I'm a 4th-year medical student. At IMEC 2024 I’m responsible for conducting the conference on the day of the event. 




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